I've realized that the expressing of my own ideas come in a linear way. First the idea is hidden inside of me, germinating and taking shape. Then, I allude to it in various ways, through conversation and in my art. Then, if I'm not understood I'll refer to it directly. Only if I have to will I state it explicitly... but again, I find the more explicit I have to state my original idea, the less it is itself. The final expression of my idea comes through action.
Detail from my recent hand-painted artwork "Jay".
Well, I'm not sure that this is communication at all, but maybe the first step to communicating an idea is hiding it within yourself. Have you ever met someone that speaks volumes even when they're not speaking or acting? Those are the people I love to get to know as I believe there are many amazing ideas hidden under the surface. What about the people that speak without thinking, believing that their words have weight in and of themselves. In some ways I can admire this communication but find that if it doesn't come out of a rich inner life it is momentary and will be forgotten. I strive to paint rich ideas that will affect lasting change.

"Adoration of the Shepherds", Domenico Ghirlandaio, 1485.
Allusion is how we play toward an idea. The idea could be specific but is more generally complicated and allusion is the only way to communicate that complexity in a visual way. An example I'll refer to is Domenico Ghirlandaio, a Renaissance artist whose work was explicit in some ways but also alluded to some deep inner ideas.
This altar piece "The Adoration of the Shepherds" shows a straightforward statement of a family and animals all gathered around a baby. It also refers to the story of the adoration of the baby Jesus Christ by his family, some shepherds and the coming Magi. But it also alludes to deeper humanistic ideas from the Renaissance that I won't get into here. It makes me wonder what hidden ideas Ghirlandaio included that cannot be understood without knowing the artist personally. Perhaps Joseph's features or body position reminded him of a memory of his own father. Certainly the inclusion of a depiction of himself as one of the shepherds warrants the idea of allusion and the speaking of his own story and ideas into this complex artwork.

This method of communication is clear when you're speaking to a viewer who both knows what a tire is, and what an elephant is. If that knowledge isn't present the message would be lost and perhaps would become more of an allusion, if it comes out of hiding at all.

"I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts." - John Locke
The strongest way I know of communicating an inner idea is to act upon it. I can think about it, allude to it, make reference to it and even state it directly but if I don't act in that same vein am I really being true to that inner idea?
An example of a visual artist who might exude this idea is Jackson Pollock. His expressive painting style was more about the process of acting on his ideas than it was the final outcome. A 1952 article by Harold Rosenberg states this about Pollock: "...what was to go on the canvas was not a picture but an event." Rosenberg called Pollock's work "action painting".
How do you communicate?
I prefer to communicate visually in the area of allusion, even if it doesn't communicate and the viewer gets lost. In a sense I am inviting them into a mystery, rather than handing them the answer. Many of my ideas dwell somewhere between opposing extremes. I feel like choosing one extreme betrays the other. I tend to shy away from the action step as I'd prefer my audience to participate by exploring my allusions. But perhaps the painting is the act.
I've mentioned five levels of communication that could aid in finding your voice: hide, allude, refer, state, act. All of these communication methods are valid, some just take more response on the part of the receiver than others. Which do you prefer? And are there others I haven't explored?
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